
Business Platform Initiatives

Business Platform Initiatives is an educational and training based program that offers opportunities for individuals or youth who are looking to gain skills, retention, and preparation for future goals. We serve our customers by assisting with building a foundation to help advance in their own careers. Through this initiative it will create a stronger community and ultimately economy, through career advancement and entrepreneurship.


“Unifying Communities Through Innovation and Creating Platform for Success”


Core Values



You understand the costs and risks of perceived or real possibility of failure, sacrifice and difficulties, nevertheless make decisions focused on the desired outcome (s).



Acknowledgment in action and thinking that your current mental, emotional and moral character traits are not bound by your past circumstances but are in your power to mold


Growth Mindset

A phrase coined by Dr. Dweck to describe the underlying beliefs young people have about learning and intelligence. When you believe you can get smarter, you understand that effort makes you stronger. Therefore, put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.